Farm Individual LeadersLast Update - November 8, 2024 at 00:05
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Minimum Games Played: 7


#Player NameGPG
1Tyson Foerster (Mil)2113
2John Beecher (Mil)2112
3Marco Rossi (Wil)2110
4Joshua Roy (Wil)219
5Will Cuylle (Mil)218
6Kirill Marchenko (Sto)177
7Riley Tufte (Mil)217
8Anthony Richard (Her)116
9Adam Fantilli (Alb)146
10Lucas Condotta (Alb)146
#Player NameGPA
1Waltteri Merela (Mil)2120
2Jack McBain (Mil)2115
3Mason McTavish (Alb)1413
4Kirill Marchenko (Sto)1711
5Will Cuylle (Mil)2111
6Peyton Krebs (Mil)2110
7Marco Rossi (Wil)2110
8Jordan Spence (Wil)2110
9John Beecher (Mil)2110
10Mason Lohrei (Alb)149
#Player NameGPSHT
1Tyson Foerster (Mil)2166
2Kirill Marchenko (Sto)1758
3Mason McTavish (Alb)1456
4John Beecher (Mil)2155
5Jack McBain (Mil)2150
6Will Cuylle (Mil)2146
7Logan Cooley (Wil)2146
8Marco Rossi (Wil)2145
9Joshua Roy (Wil)2141
10Adam Fantilli (Alb)1440
Shots %
#Player NameGPSHT %
1Jake Sanderson (Wil)728.57%
2Lucas Condotta (Alb)1427.27%
3Brendan Gaunce (Wil)2125.00%
4Louis Crevier (Ont)1223.53%
5William Lockwood (Abb)1123.08%
6Marco Rossi (Wil)2122.22%
7Joshua Roy (Wil)2121.95%
8John Beecher (Mil)2121.82%
9Brandon Duhaime (Roc)720.00%
10Tye Kartye (Roc)720.00%
#Player NameGPPTS
1John Beecher (Mil)2112-10-22
2Jack McBain (Mil)216-15-21
3Marco Rossi (Wil)2110-10-20
4Mason McTavish (Alb)145-13-18
5Peyton Krebs (Mil)215-10-15
6Otto Koivula (Ont)125-7-12
7Adam Fantilli (Alb)146-5-11
8David Gustafsson (Roc)115-6-11
9Brendan Gaunce (Wil)216-4-10
10Leo Carlsson (Wil)215-5-10
Left Wings
#Player NameGPPTS
1Jack McBain (Mil)216-15-21
2Will Cuylle (Mil)218-11-19
3Mason McTavish (Alb)145-13-18
4Peyton Krebs (Mil)215-10-15
5Otto Koivula (Ont)125-7-12
6David Gustafsson (Roc)115-6-11
7Brendan Gaunce (Wil)216-4-10
8Leo Carlsson (Wil)215-5-10
9Cameron Hughes (Ont)124-6-10
10Alexander Holtz (Mil)214-6-10
Right Wings
#Player NameGPPTS
1Tyson Foerster (Mil)2113-9-22
2Waltteri Merela (Mil)212-20-22
3Kirill Marchenko (Sto)177-11-18
4Joshua Roy (Wil)219-7-16
5Anthony Richard (Her)116-7-13
6Matthew Knies (Sto)176-6-12
7Otto Koivula (Ont)125-7-12
8Leo Carlsson (Wil)215-5-10
9Alexander Holtz (Mil)214-6-10
10Nils Hoglander (Alb)143-7-10
#Player NameGPPTS
1Jordan Spence (Wil)212-10-12
2Louis Crevier (Ont)124-7-11
3Mason Lohrei (Alb)142-9-11
4Dylan Coghlan (Mil)212-7-9
5Kevin Korchinski (Wil)210-9-9
6Mattias Samuelsson (Her)112-6-8
7Braden Schneider (Alb)142-6-8
8Rasmus Sandin (Roc)110-8-8
9William Wallinder (Mil)212-5-7
10Calen Addison (Sto)170-7-7
Points per 20 Minutes
#Player NameGPP/20
1Waltteri Merela (Mil)211.39
2John Beecher (Mil)211.36
3Anthony Richard (Her)111.20
4Otto Koivula (Ont)121.15
5Mason McTavish (Alb)141.06
6Marco Rossi (Wil)211.06
7David Gustafsson (Roc)111.03
8Will Cuylle (Mil)211.01
9Brad Morrison (Abb)110.97
10Nicholas Robertson (Sto)170.94
Face-Off %
#Player NameGPFO %
1Chris Wagner (Ont)1268.39%
2Curtis Douglas (Ont)1265.19%
3Shane Wright (Sto)1762.14%
4John Beecher (Mil)2162.09%
5Matty Beniers (Her)1161.96%
6Xavier Simoneau (Ont)1261.73%
7Jack McBain (Mil)2160.95%
8Fredrik Karlstrom (Roc)760.61%
9David Gustafsson (Roc)1160.31%
10Brandon Gignac (Mil)2159.77%
#Player NameGP+/-
1Tyson Foerster (Mil)2111
2Jack McBain (Mil)2111
3Tyler Kleven (Mil)2111
4Peyton Krebs (Mil)2110
5Kevin Korchinski (Wil)2110
6William Wallinder (Mil)219
7Emil Heineman (Wil)148
8Dylan Coghlan (Mil)218
9Noah Philp (Wil)147
10Brendan Gaunce (Wil)217
Penalty Minutes
#Player NameGPPIM
1Tyler Kleven (Mil)2159
2Tyler Tucker (Alb)1450
3Adam Klapka (Wil)2146
4Will Cuylle (Mil)2144
5Jayden Struble (Alb)1438
6Chris Wagner (Ont)1235
7Justin Barron (Wil)2134
8William Wallinder (Mil)2134
9John Ludvig (Wil)2132
10Cavan Fitzgerald (Abb)1129
Shots Blocked
#Player NameGPSB
1Victor Mete (Mil)2119
2Dylan Coghlan (Mil)2119
3Mason Lohrei (Alb)1417
4Tyler Kleven (Mil)2117
5Braden Schneider (Alb)1415
6Simon Nemec (Alb)1415
7Ian Mitchell (Abb)1114
8Sean Day (Abb)1114
9Ben Harpur (Wil)1414
10Domenick Fensore (Sto)1714
#Player NameGPPTS
1Will Cuylle (Mil)218-11-19
2Joshua Roy (Wil)219-7-16
3Matthew Knies (Sto)176-6-12
4Jordan Spence (Wil)212-10-12
5Adam Fantilli (Alb)146-5-11
6Louis Crevier (Ont)124-7-11
7Mason Lohrei (Alb)142-9-11
8Leo Carlsson (Wil)215-5-10
9Shane Wright (Sto)173-7-10
10Logan Cooley (Wil)212-8-10
#Player NameGPHIT
1John Ludvig (Wil)2147
2Jayden Struble (Alb)1446
3Dylan Coghlan (Mil)2144
4William Wallinder (Mil)2142
5Adam Klapka (Wil)2139
6Justin Barron (Wil)2137
7Tyler Kleven (Mil)2137
8Braden Schneider (Alb)1436
9Matthew Knies (Sto)1736
10Curtis Douglas (Ont)1234
Power Play Goals
#Player NameGPPP
1John Beecher (Mil)217
2Marco Rossi (Wil)216
3Jake Sanderson (Wil)74
4Will Cuylle (Mil)214
5Luke Hughes (Har)23
6Cooper Marody (Cha)63
7Lucas Condotta (Alb)143
8Dylan Gambrell (StJ)52
9Jonas Rondbjerg (Cha)62
10Brad Hunt (Har)62
Short Handed Goals
#Player NameGPSH
1Jack Dugan (Har)61
2Seth Jarvis (Wil)71
3Adam Fantilli (Alb)141
4Peyton Krebs (Mil)211
5Jack McBain (Mil)211
Game Winning Goals
#Player NameGPGW
1Mason McTavish (Alb)143
2John Beecher (Mil)213
3Anthony Richard (Her)112
4Cameron Hughes (Ont)122
5Adam Fantilli (Alb)142
6Kirill Marchenko (Sto)172
7Elmer Soderblom (Sto)172
8Matthew Knies (Sto)172
9Riley Tufte (Mil)212
10Tyson Foerster (Mil)212
Game Tying Goals
#Player NameGPGT
1Conor Geekie (Roc)112
2Wade Allison (Cha)61
3Thomas Bordeleau (San)61
4Alexander Romanov (Wil)71
5Jonathan Gruden (Roc)71
6David Gustafsson (Roc)111
7Anthony Richard (Her)111
8Brad Morrison (Abb)111
9Cole Schwindt (Her)111
10Cameron Hughes (Ont)121
Empty Net Goals
#Player NameGPENG
1Jacob Bryson (Syr)61
2Alexey Toropchenko (Her)111
3Ryan O'Rourke (Mil)211
Minutes Played
#Player NameGPMP
1Dylan Coghlan (Mil)21480
2Kevin Korchinski (Wil)21472
3Tyson Foerster (Mil)21471
4Victor Mete (Mil)21467
5Tyler Kleven (Mil)21460
6William Wallinder (Mil)21459
7Jack McBain (Mil)21454
8Logan Cooley (Wil)21453
9Justin Barron (Wil)21448
10Jordan Spence (Wil)21436
Hat Tricks
#Player NameGPHT
1Luke Hughes (Har)21
2Nolan Foote (San)41
3Jonas Rondbjerg (Cha)61
4Elmer Soderblom (Sto)171
5Matthew Knies (Sto)171
6Tyson Foerster (Mil)211
Goal Scoring Streak
#Player NameGPGS
1Rory Kerins (Chi)62
2Gavin Brindley (Chi)62
3Marco Rossi (Wil)212
4Nolan Foote (San)41
5Vasili Podkolzin (StJ)51
6Samuel Blais (StJ)51
7Bobby Brink (Syr)61
8Henry Thrun (Har)61
9Connor McClennon (Chi)61
10Pierrick Dube (Har)61
Point Scoring Streak
#Player NameGPPS
1Mason McTavish (Alb)1411
2Axel Jonsson Fjallby (Har)54
3Vasili Podkolzin (StJ)54
4Seth Jarvis (Wil)74
5Wyatt Johnston (Wil)74
6Roland McKeown (Har)43
7Connor McClennon (Chi)63
8Brock Faber (Wil)73
9Nils Hoglander (Alb)143
10Dylan Gambrell (StJ)52
Hits Taken
#Player NameGPHTT
1Jack McBain (Mil)2149
2Mason McTavish (Alb)1441
3Tyson Foerster (Mil)2140
4David Gustafsson (Roc)1139
5Brendan Gaunce (Wil)2139
6Matthew Knies (Sto)1738
7John Beecher (Mil)2137
8Marco Rossi (Wil)2136
9Dominic Toninato (Abb)1135
10Kirill Marchenko (Sto)1735
Penalty Shots
#Player NameGPPSG
No Result
Give Away
#Player NameGPGA
No Result
Take Away
#Player NameGPTA
No Result
Total Fight
#Player NameGPFT
1Will Cuylle (Mil)214
2Chris Wagner (Ont)123
3Eetu Liukas (Sto)173
4Tyler Tucker (Alb)142
5Lucas Condotta (Alb)142
6Adam Klapka (Wil)212
7Zack MacEwen (Chi)51
8Will Reilly (StJ)51
9Aidan McDonough (StJ)51
10Jacob Larsson (Sdi)61
Fight Won
#Player NameGPFW
1Will Cuylle (Mil)212
2Aidan McDonough (StJ)51
3Jake Livingstone (San)61
4Cavan Fitzgerald (Abb)111
5Mark Pysyk (Roc)111
6David Cotton (Ont)121
7Tyler Tucker (Alb)141
8Eetu Liukas (Sto)171
9Adam Klapka (Wil)211


Save Percentage
#Goalie NameGPSAVE %
1Joseph Woll (Ont)120.904
2Lukas Dostal (Wil)210.899
3Philipp Grubauer (Mil)210.897
4Arvid Soderblom (Abb)110.897
5Samuel Ersson (Alb)140.896
6Vitek Vanecek (Her)110.863
7Cooper Black (Sto)170.863
8Chase Perry (Roc)110.825
Goals Against Average
#Goalie NameGPGAA
1Lukas Dostal (Wil)211.72
2Joseph Woll (Ont)121.81
3Samuel Ersson (Alb)141.94
4Arvid Soderblom (Abb)112.02
5Philipp Grubauer (Mil)212.12
6Cooper Black (Sto)172.23
7Vitek Vanecek (Her)112.67
8Chase Perry (Roc)113.21
No Result
Minutes Played
#Goalie NameGPMP
1Lukas Dostal (Wil)211,292
2Philipp Grubauer (Mil)211,190
3Cooper Black (Sto)17970
4Samuel Ersson (Alb)14896
5Joseph Woll (Ont)12695
6Arvid Soderblom (Abb)11655
7Vitek Vanecek (Her)11583
8Chase Perry (Roc)11524
9Joe Vrbetic (Roc)7413
10Talyn Boyko (Cha)6362
Shots Faced
#Goalie NameGPSHT
1Philipp Grubauer (Mil)21407
2Lukas Dostal (Wil)21368
3Samuel Ersson (Alb)14278
4Cooper Black (Sto)17263
5Joseph Woll (Ont)12218
6Arvid Soderblom (Abb)11213
7Vitek Vanecek (Her)11190
8Chase Perry (Roc)11160
9Joe Vrbetic (Roc)7118
10Talyn Boyko (Cha)6115
#Goalie NameGPSO
1Philipp Grubauer (Mil)214
2Akira Schmid (Har)62
3Cooper Black (Sto)172
4Lukas Dostal (Wil)212
5Joe Vrbetic (Roc)71
6Chase Perry (Roc)111
7Arvid Soderblom (Abb)111
8Joseph Woll (Ont)121
#Goalie NameGPW
1Lukas Dostal (Wil)2116
2Philipp Grubauer (Mil)2112
3Samuel Ersson (Alb)149
4Cooper Black (Sto)179
5Joseph Woll (Ont)126
6Chase Perry (Roc)115
7Vitek Vanecek (Her)115
8Arvid Soderblom (Abb)114
9Joe Vrbetic (Roc)73
10Austin Lotz (Chi)62
Penalty Shots Percentage
#Goalie NamePSAPS SHT %
No Result
#Goalie NameGPL
1Cooper Black (Sto)178
2Chase Perry (Roc)115
3Arvid Soderblom (Abb)115
4Lukas Dostal (Wil)215
5Mac Guzda (San)64
6Vitek Vanecek (Her)114
7Akira Schmid (Har)63
8Talyn Boyko (Cha)63
9Nikita Tolopilo (Syr)63
10Joe Vrbetic (Roc)73